Thursday, October 30, 2008

My Home Security Service

So this afternoon I answer the phone thinking it's Michaela or Stephanie wanting to talk more politics... but it was..well....I'll just replay for you:

caller.."Hi, Mrs. Strang I'm with ADT Home Security and I have a great offer for you. It's.."

me: "Hey, sorry...I'm not interested in learning more about your products until after the election."
caller: "Excuse me?"
me: "Well, if Obama wins, I won't be able to buy anything from you because he's going to take all my money for his government programs. He's going to be taxing all of us..."
caller:.."(laughing)..oh, I understand but what I was going to tell you is that hook-up and installation are free and..."

me.. : "OK, but I'm still going to have to pay a monthly fee for your service and I just don't know if I'll have 'extra' money left over to invest in your company."

caller: (laughing again) OK but having a home protection service is very valuable..."

me.. : "Well, if Obama wins...I'll have to stick with using my husband's hunting rifle as our home protection service."

caller: (laughing) OK maam I get it. Thank you.


Right Leaning Sisters said...

That was really funny!

Melanie said...

laugh out loud funny! that is awesome!! ps, hope you don't mind me snooping around on your blog. I just recently started one-so there's not much yet, but you're welcome to check it out if you want! :)