Thursday, July 3, 2008

Justin's Birthday & Camping

Camping in backyard!

So, Lee and the kids went camping for the first our backyard last weekend! The kids had a blast, but Lee got no sleep. It also rained and the kids thought a tornado was coming!
Then on Tuesday, Justin's 8th birthday, we had friends from Ann Arbor over for a barbeque, firepit fun, fireworks etc. It was a great evening for us all...

Romantic Night of Painting. Not.

So, I told Lee I wanted to paint the kitchen a nice light blue and he said it would fun if we put the kids to bed, played our "Christ the King" music CD, had some nice adult conversations, and drank some good wine while painting. So that seemed like a romantic way to spend a Friday night and we were looking forward to it. We had the image from the Lowe's commercial in our minds. You know the one....husband and wife move into new home and decide to paint. They are happy, laughing, sipping on wine, goofing around putting paint on each other's cheeks!

Well......we succeeded in putting 4 of our 5 children to bed by 8pm. Greta, on the other hand, would not fall asleep. So, she sat in her chair and watched us...whinned a little.....started crying a lot. I tried putting her to sleep again and it failed. It's now 9:30pm and though Lee has been painting since 8pm, he has no desire to open the wine he bought for us. I let Greta sit in her chair again as I went back to painting, but she just whinned. So, we were both frustrated and were in no mood to even talk! I finally got Greta to sleep around 10:30pm--after deciding to give her some baby Tylenol. So, I go to the kitchen and Lee had opened the wine and drank most of it already without me!

By now, it is way past Lee's bedtime and he is in no mood for conversation. So, we quickly finish up applying the primer and call it quits. Lee says, "That was no fun at all. It was suppose to be a romantic night." Maybe when the kids are all grown up we can re-paint!