Thursday, April 3, 2008


Hi! Great post below, Michaela!! That was super fun to read and you can tell Matt that yes, he does have a loud voice-it's just that perhaps we don't want to embarrass him by mentioning it all the time!! ha-ha!!

As for you googling the answer to a radio contest...well, I did it last Fall and won! However, either people don't think to do that, they have a higher sense of morality, or they think they're smart enough to get it on their own--- because so many callers ahead of me got it wrong. It was some kind of history question like.. "Mary Smith was the first woman to do this?" I thought, how easy to look that up! The answer appeared before my eyes in a matter of seconds. Mary Smith first woman to parachute out of an airplane. I easily won a $40 gift card to a nice restaurant!

However, I must admit that while I was on hold I kept thinking what if the talk show guy asks me how I knew that. So, my plan was to bring Lee into my web of lies by saying that my husband is a big history buff. My guilty mind kept wandering....what if he asks...oh he likes the history of airplanes or parachuting or women and parachuting? I decided maybe I could just say, "Um..what?" and he'd go to a commercial break or something. In the end, the talk show guy just said, "Yes, finally the right answer! Now, Elizabeth have you ever been to the Main Street IX restaurant?" Awesome...I can answer that.."Yes, I sure have it's a great place Dave." Radio guy, "Wonderful, now what is your favorite food there?" That question was a little harder because it's an expensive place so Lee only took me there a couple of times and my memory is not so great, so I quickly blurt out.."Oh, Dave everything at Main Street is fantastic." That about covers it!

Things are going well for the seven of us here in Michigan. Lee only has two weeks (four classes) left to teach at MSU and then summer vacation starts!! Well, he'll have to grade all the exams and work on writing some articles and he's publishing a law school textbook (which is called a casebook), but he'll be working from home so I say he's on vacation!

Justin received his First Holy Communion on Easter Sunday and we were thankful to have a big group of Iowa relatives journey through a blizzard to get here and celebrate with us. Lee and I are very proud of Justin and while in the van with their cousins, Caleb & Adele, we overheard Justin say to Caleb... "You will get to receive your First Communion next year." Caleb said, "Yeah, and it's really Jesus." Justin said,"Yeah, it's great, but you first will have to go to reconciliation with a priest and that is kind of scary the first time. But, will feel so great that you'll be like, wow I want to go to confession everyday because it makes me feel so good afterwards."

How wonderful that these two young kids are so excited about their Catholic faith and even at their tender age--they understand better than most adults sitting in the pews at mass!

"Is it merely coincidental that
homeschooling was outlawed by the Soviet State in 1919, by Hitler and Nazi Germany in 1938 and by Communist China in 1949?"
----Chuck Norris, Texan crime fighter

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